13 de marzo de 2013

Diane Eugster

Diane Eugster feels in order for a painting to work it must be successful on several layers - design, drawing, color and emotional content. "I'm always struggling to bring the quality of all these elements together. When everything interacts as I want it, it's a great day, when it doesn't I consider it a challenge to work harder." Diane creates her impressionistic paintings in oils. The human figure is the subject she is drawn to most often. "There is so much to say when painting a human being, the emotions you share with the subject and the design possibilities are endless." Diane prefers to start her work with exploratory sketches. From these drawings she mines the essence of the design and rhythm that holds everything together. Each piece has its' own world, where the figure is alive in a unique environment. An important aspect of Diane's work is inviting the viewer in, orchestrating the painting so that the observer becomes a participant. Diane feels that there is strength in simplicity. Diane started her art career as a freelance illustrator, working for magazine publishers and resort hotels. In 1996 she started painting full time in her Las Vegas studio. Diane is a member of the Oil Painters of America and The American Impressionist Society.

1 comentario:

ARTE CRISTINA FALERONI. - Este es tu espacio, dejanos tu opinón, tu aporte es muy valioso. Muchas gracias.