19 de febrero de 2013

Elvira Baranova . Pinturas

Elvira Baranova. I was born in Vologda, north of Russia. Art has been a part of my life since childhood. I studied painting, book illustration and animation at Republican College of Art, the Polytechnic University and the Artists Animator's Course at Kiev, Ukraine. For many years I have lived in several European countries and worked in the traditional 2D animation and illustration before returning to painting. I moved to New Zealand in 1998 and was working as an animator, illustrator for several animation studios in Wellington and at the same time has experimented in different mediums and techniques (watercolor and acrylic with oil) as a painter. My first solo exhibition was held at the McGregor Wright Gallery in Wellington, 2001. Since that time I'm a regular exhibitor at the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts and New Zealand's array of galleries and organizations. My paintings are in private collections both within New Zealand and around the world. Also I'm taking part of some international fantasy art exhibitions in Europe.

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