16 de febrero de 2013

Artista Robert Semans

In 1968 Robert Semans enrolled in the art department of San Jose State University and began studies with Maynard D. Stewart. In his classes Stewart emphasized those classical principles of drawing and painting which he himself had embraced at the Art Students’ League in New York under the influence of the legendary Frank Vincent DuMond. Dumond, an instructor at the League for half a century, had learned this classical approach as a young student in Paris from the great Boulanger, LeFebvre and Constant. And so a link to the the theory and practice of the great academic tradition of the 19th Century was forged. In 1970, after he had finished a Master Degree, Semans moved to Florence, Italy where he worked for the next two years in the studio of the famed Italian teacher Nerina Simi. In his second year there he also taught painting and drawing at Gonzaga University’s extension program, Gonzaga-in- Florence, which led to an invitation to be Artist-in-Residence at Seattle University in Seattle, Washington.

2 comentarios:

  1. Puedo apreciar la belleza de estas obras.
    Me gustaría saber como las vez tú a ellas.
    ¿Quizás una pequeña lección sobre como apreciar el arte?
    Un abrazo.

  2. Excelentes obras, como todo lo que nos muestras.
    Que tengas un lindo día.


ARTE CRISTINA FALERONI. - Este es tu espacio, dejanos tu opinón, tu aporte es muy valioso. Muchas gracias.