27 de diciembre de 2012

Pinturas de Kim Xu

Kim Xu.Born April 25, 1982. Kim Xu was born and raised in Suzhou, China and moved to Shanghai to pursue his passion for art and fashion at the age of nineteen. Kim's art very much reflects his personality and life experiences, fusing both traditional Chinese watercolour techniques - a skill he learned from his grandfather - and Western-style oil-based techniques. This combination creates truly unique pieces that speak of beauty, passion, love and despair. He is regularly praised as one of China's most important up-and-coming artists. Kim's work has been the focus of a number of high profile events and editorials, capturing the attention of the fashion world. In 2007, Kim was commisioned by Vogue magazine to do a special edition feature named "Fashion meets Art". In 2008, Kim was also asked to form a collaboration with Hong Kong luxury brand Joyce to celebrate the first anniversary of their operation in mainland China. Later that year, Kim was also invited to contribute to London fashion publication Wound, for which he produced a series of works inspired by the designs of Alexander McQueen, Fendi, Dolce&Gabbana and Peter Pilotto.

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