31 de diciembre de 2012

Pinturas de Edmond Demirdjian

Edmond Demirdjian (born 1951) is a famous European artist. He lives and works in Sofia. In 1995 he was honored with the prestigious grant from The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York, USA for the exceptional and innovative quality of his art. In 2006 he received the award of Sofia for pronounced achievements in the field of culture and arts. Edmond Demirdjian has organized numerous shows in Europe and in the USA. To mention just few of them: Gallery Il Saggiatore, Rome, Italy; Gallery Zinzen, Brussels, Belgium; Landeskulturzentrum, Linz, Austria; Volksbank Gallery, Dornbirn, Austria; Gallery Quatro, Glattfelden, Switzerland; Folly Theater Gallery, Kansas City, USA; Deutsche Bank, New York; Gallery 88, Luxemburg; Schroder Gallery, Ausburg, Germany, etc.

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