16 de octubre de 2012

Pinturas de Matt Manley

Matt Manley, digital illustrator, building upon a tradition of canvas painting. Although my work is digital in the end, it is built upon a foundation of traditional painting and drawing. The larger, usually figurative elements are original oil paintings on either canvas or board; the overlying textures are usually created by hand as well. Sometimes the paintings are coupled with pencil or ink drawings. Photography and direct scans are often used for secondary or supporting imagery, and they rarely dominate my work. Education: Kendall College of Art & Design Teaching: Kendall and Grand Valley State University Other things I'm into: gardening-orchids, carnivorous plants, aroids, and tillandsias; literature & poetry; cycling & hiking; cooking; psychology, mythology & alchemy; films-mostly foreign arthouse films by Tarkovsky, Bergman, Bresson, Kurosawa, Tarr, Ozu and others.

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