19 de septiembre de 2012

Pinturas de Jean Claude Dresse


''Jean-Claude Dresse’s paintings speak French. The elegant style of drawing, the poetic symbolism and the colour temperament forms a pictorial language that has no equal in the Netherlands.
With a combination of classical mastery and current themes, this “Walloon Rembrandt” speaks to the imagination in our country as well. Jean-Claude Dresse creates a new, never seen universe in which extremes are in perfect balance with each other: light and dark, strength of mind and tranquillity, expression and silence. Painting lets Dresse reveal more than he holds on to. He emphatically votes no to the security of well-defined forms in a reasoned mise-en-scène, and that bears witness to his great visionary strength. His motionless transparent human figures form tableaux vivants with which Dresse wants to demonstrate that other hidden worlds lie behind the hallucinatory stage sets of visible reality. This romantic supposition is universal. Dresse really belongs to the few who can conjure up this universe in their mind and record it in indelible images.
Time is a chronically recurring element in Dresse’s paintings. Time as a matrix of beauty in the discipline of a musical score. But also time as the dictator of life, against whom the artist leads an on-going opposition. Clocks with smashed dials, compasses and measuring instruments are Dresse’s protest against the madness of an untenable tempo. But against the background of this light ironic play, Dresse brings more weighty counter forces up into position: archetypal images that connect all times with each other, such as horses, knights, goddesses and unmanned ships''

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