9 de septiembre de 2012

Artista Lauri Blank

Lauri Blank was destined to be a creative soul with a burning passion for art. Raised by an artistic mother who attended design school in NYC, and grandparents that are still performing musicians (well into their 80’s), Lauri was constantly engaged by creativity and artistic expression; the foundation of a future art career.
The world’s first acclaim of this talented artist came when she was just seven. Blank’s Mother, having recognized the talent she possessed at such an early age, submitted Lauri’s sketch of Betsy Ross to the local newspaper’s bicentennial art competition. Her work placed first.
Looking to expand her artistic horizons, Lauri began experimenting with different types of media. A few years later, at the age of 12, Lauri was honored by The Norton Museum of Art who included her three-dimensional painting of a young woman aging slowly in their prestigious national exhibition.

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