16 de mayo de 2012

Aleta Pippin

Aleta Pippin has been creating since she could hold a pencil or crayon. At the age of four, she was drawing horses. By the time she was a teenager she was drawing figures and creating posters for school. Then her life took a turn to marriage, having children, and working.
Creating takes many forms and for Pippin, it took the form of business. In 1984 (sold in 2008), Pippin founded her company, Front Office Business Centers in Houston, Texas. "Business," exclaims Pippin, "is creating, the same as creating a painting. It's first having a vision that excites, then considering that vision long enough to be inspired, focusing long enough for the inspiration to move you into action, holding the vision until the action manifests into a business. That's basically the same with creating a piece of art."
When Pippin began her artistic journey, it was painting figurative and still life pieces, though that work didn't excite and inspire. It was when she moved into abstract work that she felt the inspiration and desire that launched her into spending the time in her studio necessary to expand her imagery and produce a body of work. That body of work was enough to get her representation in Gallery 821 in 1996. Pippin felt a personal need to take a four year hiatus from painting, so put away her brushes between 1997 to 2000. During that time, she continued to appreciate art and visited museum shows whenever they presented the opportunity to see work by her favorite abstract expressionists.
In the year 2000, Pippin began to paint again. The paintings were fresher and more sophisticated even though she hadn't painted for four years. They quickly evolved through various processes from acrylics to oils, to mixed media, and once again returning to acrylics and oils. The commitment to paint became complete during this metamorphosis.
In 2006, Pippin with business partner and fellow-artist, Barbara Meikle, founded Pippin Meikle Fine Art in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The focus of Pippin Meikle is to present joyful, bold, vibrant expressions of original artwork.
In 2011, Pippin launched Pippin Contemporary in downtown Santa Fe, one block from the Historic Plaza. This gallery is focused on abstract work with the intention for viewers to have a sensory experience of color and mood created by the handful of artists showing there.
Pippin continues to paint her high energy and high key paintings; a tribute to the beauty and the vibrational impact that color imparts coupled with the emotional translation of the music moving through her as she paints.

Artist Statement

My paintings are about energy (vibration), color, and freedom. They are a spontaneous expression, flowing freely through me in rhythm to the music I'm listening to. When I'm in the zone of freely expressing, I'm deeply involved in the evolution of the paintings, acting as a vessel through which the energy is flowing. When the painting is completed, I stand back to view it and become very excited to see the amazing color, energy of marks, and overall feeling of the piece.
I use acrylic paints and mediums to achieve the effect of layers, vibrant color, and high energy. My goal with each painting is to impart a feeling of appreciation, joy, and energy. When collectors view my pieces, I would like them to stand in front of each painting and view it with an open mind, eschewing judgment, accepting each for the unique world expressed.

I feel fortunate to live in Santa Fe, New Mexico, an area of abundant sunshine, clear blue sky, and a crisp mountain outline against the horizon. These characteristics are inspiring and influence the finished piece.

It is gratifying to have viewers/collectors express how beautiful the paintings and how they are touched by the color, energy, and imagery.

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