24 de abril de 2012

Tanya Kolechko

Born by FIRE.-Even the master artist whose muse has led him to design a project and to cultivate an idea cannot guarantee the result: fire is enamel's ultimate creator, and acts upon the material independently of man's will.
As it was thousands of years ago, enamel is a fusion of metallic oxides with ordinary glass. These mundane-sounding components are the basis for the phenomenon called enamel. The technology of enamel production was familiar to the ancient Egyptians. From the Nile valley, enamel-making techniques spread to Byzantium and then to Kyiv Rus by the 10th century A.D. Eventually, people began to call the articles produced from enamel by the same name. Bright and colourful enamels enjoyed wide popularity among the Kyiv aristocracy and clergy. Women's jewellery, church utensils, icons and altars were decorated with the material. Jewellery manufactured with enamel was very expensive and not only because of the fact that gold was the background over which enamel was laid. The process of applying enamel required the mastery of difficult techniques, and the secrets of shaping and glazing enamel were passed on from master to apprentice over the course of years.

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