6 de abril de 2012

Katya Gridneva

(Russian, b.1965)
Katya Gridneva was born in the USSR, (in what is now the Ukraine), in 1965. In 1991 she started to attend drawing classes in the world renown Academy of Fine Arts in St Petersburg, also known as the Repin Institute from 1993 to 1999. She studied in its portrait department where she developed her talent for figurative painting. As well as her well-known drawings and paintings involving the female figure as well as commissioned portrait work.
She works from life, capturing the flow of light across her figures. Her work also shows her informed knowledge of the female body. Since 1999 she has lived and worked in the UK. She has exhibited widely in the UK and elsewhere. Her husband, Valeriy, and son, Fedor, are also well known artists.

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