3 de abril de 2012

John Pitre

The work of John Pitre reveals more than the craftsmanship of a highly skilled artist, it tells something about the man himself. You will find a deep caring and intrinsic understanding of the world through his imagery, and experience the thoughts of a great imagination.

From his early days as a student at the Art Student's League in New York City, Pitre became fascinated with surrealism, the most challenging and difficult of all the classical art forms to properly execute.

Influenced by the words of Salvador Dali, he created entire imaginary worlds completely from his mind, and used artistic expression as a vehicle for powerful social commentary. Well before they became the obvious societal problems of our times, Pitre's surrealistic renditions of the threat of overpopulation, the ominous shadow of nuclear war, and the ecological deterioration of our planet became wildly popular as poster images, selling in the millions. One image alone, Restrictions, sold an estimated seven million copies.

As a result of his visionary talents, his social commentary paintings are now considered twentieth-century classics.

A modern-day Leonardo Da Vinci, Pitre holds over thirty patents to his name. He is a pioneer in many fields; he explored the depths of the oceans with diving gear he designed himself, long before commercial dive equipment was available to the public. His affinity for the high seas led to a patent for the concept of generating electricity from ocean waves and currents. He learned to fly every form of aircraft available to him, including a unique, one of a kind configuration that he personally conceived, engineered, and built.

Through his scrupulous study of human anatomy in the arts he has designed some of the world's most advanced fitness equipment, and he was the first to employ variable resistance weights and computers for monitoring and controlling human performance with exercise machines.

His credits include the Questar line of fitness equipment and the ROM (Range-of-Motion) which was awarded the Best of What's New in 1993 by Popular Science Magazine. The ROM is currently the world's most exclusive exercise machine, and is a favorite of celebrities and movie stars. His latest inventions include a new fitness device that debuted on television infomercials in the fall of 1997, and a proprietary formulation for artists' paint based on space aged polymers.

Look closely at a painting by John Pitre, and you will look into the mind and soul of a great thinker. Look beyond the surface, and into its depths. Pitre is sharing with you his vision of our purpose in the universe, reminding us of the responsibilities we have as stewards of our planet, to be the caretakers of the creatures that inhabit it, and to hold dear the fragile relationships we build with others. He is trying to tell you about life, warning you about its' difficulties and pitfalls, but encouraging you to follow your longings and aspirations to achieve your dreams.

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