7 de febrero de 2012

Artista Gil Bruvel

Titulo: Could be you
Autor:©Gil Bruvel

Gil Bruvel es un artista nacido en Sydney, Australia, en 1959, los padres de origen francés, trasladaron la familia al sur de Francia cuando Bruvel tenía 4 años de edad. Al tiempo que toma clases de dibujo a los 9 años y aprenden lo básico de la escultura, Gil tomó la decisión de dedicar su vida a la creación artística. Allí se encontró inspirado en la luz y los paisajes de la región que lo rodeaba.
Empezó a trabajar con pintura al óleo a los 12 años de edad y el medio ambiente local tuvo una influencia enorme y duradero en su paleta, brindándole colores luminosos que aun hoy, sigue utilizando. Su padre de, hábil ebanista, presenta al artista como es el funcionamiento interno de un taller de carpintería, incluyendo el diseño de muebles, su función práctica, y cada aspecto de la mano de elaboración de cada pieza.
Gil's father, being a cabinetmaker, introduced the budding artist to the inner workings of a wood workshop including furniture design, its practical function, and every aspect of hand crafting each piece. Taking this knowledge and experience with him, Gil began studies at an art restoration workshop 1974, spending the next three years learning the techniques of the Old Masters and modern Masters of fine art. Thereafter he set up his studio in St. Remy de Provence until 1986 when he first made his way to the United States, making it his permanent residence in 1990.

At that time he started to experiment more with sculptures in bronze, mixed media and digital modeling as well as continuing to learn about creative processes in artistic expression.

He is currently creating functional art, sculptures, and paintings.
Gil Bruvel has been exhibiting his work since 1974 in various places around the world and including: France, Monaco, England, Denmark, The Netherlands, Hungary, Japan, Singapore, New York, Florida, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Hawaii. His work has received many awards and his collectors span the globe.

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