15 de febrero de 2012

Artista Olga Gouskova

Titulo: Consolaciòn
Autora:©Olga Gouskova

I have been a professional contemporary fine artist and painter since 1998.
I was born in Moscow, Russia. But I spent my childhood and youth in Belarus between Vileyka and Minsk.
In 1996 I immigrated to Belgium. I live, love and work in Bruges.
I create in a variety of media and techniques - often mix drawing with painting. In my female portraits you can clearly recognize the representation of a person. Yet, this is not the main motive of the painting. The portrait merely serves as reason to make the painting. It is the imagery concept. My paintings greatly appeal to the beholders. Conscientiously and with a great sense for beauty I portray my models. The resulting portrait is not an exact copy of reality, but instead a visual impression of it. By including things like a flower or a butterfly or putting a lace on the model’s eyes I try to add an unusual or artificial character to my portraits. I learn about myself depicting images from my imagination. I don't expect to find answers, rather look for questions. The choice of colors stimulates energy, emotions and appetite for life. My work reflects my own story - a theatre where one is an actor and a viewer at the same time. It is possible to find there everything: beauty and grotesque, silliness and seriousness, happiness and nostalgia, the antique and the modern...
With my paintings I participated in different solo shows and group exhibitions in Belgium, UK and Netherlands.
My artworks can be found in private collections in Belgium, UK, USA , United Arab Emirates, Netherlands, Russia, Belarus.
My goal is to continue to create beautiful works of art fueled by passion and imagination. I'd like to further expand my paintings into art collectors and art lovers, museums and galleries.

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